Meanwhile in Ohio…

Hello! I’m coming at ya this morning from Ohio! It’s a cozy and dreary day here but they weather was blue skies and sunny yesterday for Lindsay and Ben’s big day!

My past week in Ohio has been full and busy, busy. I packed up my classroom last Friday, sent off each First grader, and hopped a plane to make it home in time for my sister Kelly’s high school graduation. This was a monumental event for her and our family and I was not about to miss it!


Here are some shots of our graduate and me with each of my lovely sisters!


All week long after the graduation celebrations died down we turned our focus to all things wedding related. We spent countless hours beautifying the church where the wedding and reception were to be held! Oh, and we also suck in some non wedding related fun such as swimming, trail running, sushi eating at my favorite spot!


It has been so incredible to catch up with friends and family while being here! Nathan was able to fly in for the wedding and left on a flight early this morning because he is leading a mission trip that is leaving today! Crazy!


Lindsay and a bridesmaid at the rehearsal dinner, she was so cool, calm, and collected the entire time.

Lindsay and Ben’s wedding was over the top beautiful and perfect. Everything from the rehearsal dinner to the “get away” in a fancy blue corvette was totally them! Here is a sneak peak of their beautiful day!


Well, the rainy weather has declared today a rest day for me. I’ve run every day since being here in Ohio. I just can’t say no to the beautiful green trails that call my name.We are going to be heading off to West Virginia for a few days to visit our property that my family owns there! Some extended family is coming along too, so it’s going to be a great trip. I plan to swing by the local library today to pick up some reading material for the drive. 

Have a great day!

Lauren ❤

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