Runs, Eats, & Everything In between: 

I’m checking in this evening with a few life updates and highlights from lately!


On the running front, I ran a color run 5k called Kill Cancer With Color hosted by one of our youth students Marisa. I’ve been getting in long runs with faith every weekend since we are training for a half marathon June 3rd. I’ve been hopping on my treadmill early in the morning during the week and running with Nathan and faith on weekends. It feels great to be back in my running groove.

Life with a three month old is never dull. Graham has been teething so he’s been in pain which means extra snuggles are in order.

We’ve been putting the jogging stroller to good use and have done some great family hikes at Pine Knob park. Graham loves being outdoors just like his mom and dad!

Nathan and I snuck away for a much needed date night last weekend where we got dinner at Broadway Grill which was delicious and followed that up with a trip to Culver’s for some frozen custard.


Smoothies have been back in full swing after my morning runs. Nathan has been on a cheesecake making kick and has already tried his hand at an Oreo, Godiva, and peanut butter cheesecakes. Every Friday after school has become pretzel day where we stop and get his and her pretzels from Jo Jo’s.


Easter was so much fun! Having a little one during holidays makes them so much More exciting. Graham just loves being read to and grandma Gigi reads to him every time she comes. My family drove in for Easter where they attended church with us and we had both sides of family over for Easter lunch.

baby’s first Easter.

Graham and his friend a Colt!

Faith and Bud came for Easter too!

Graham got a fun summer themed Easter basket filled with a new bathing suit, sunglasses, beach hat, and more.

Out Easter lunch table is all set and ready to go!

Well, I’ve got an early morning run scheduled and a baby that needs put to bed. Catch ya later!

Lauren ❤