There’s Nothing Like Family Time

I am back in toasty San Antonio getting caught up on my to-do’s here after two amazing weeks spent at my parent’s house in Ohio. Saying goodbye was so hard because I miss them so much and am really getting tired of seeing them only a few times a year, but I know The Lord wants us in Texas right now for the time being.  

Not only did I get so have tons of family time but I also got to catch up with some of my amazing girlfriends as well through hiking, beach time, dinner dates, and of course board games.

      I sure have missed the beach!  

 Cute cafés and beach time with my darling Faith who came to visit me. 

I also had the privilege to hear my dad share his testimony of finding The Lord with his softball group at church before their evening game commenced.

 I got to help with some if the cooking while I was visiting which resulted in tortilla soup and cheddar bay biscuits one evening. Yumm.  

I was able to run with mom and dad during my time in Ohio, and I will never take being able to run with my parents for granted. They are such strong and determined people, I hope to have just an ounce of their determination and drive in life.  

We went to the best sushi restaurant a.k.a. Nagoya Japanese Steak house two times during my visit and each time I was blown away by the quality of their food. We all split a few different sushi rolls, soups, and salads to start. I ordered the seared miso chilean sea bass for my entree with a side of steamed asparagus and fried rice and it was out of this world delicious.

Dad also took us girls out fishing on Lake Erie. We didn’t catch much but it was so relaxing and recharging sitting in the sun and listening to the sunds of waves and sea gulls. I also got to be there for mom’s birthday! She requested Mexican food for her birthday dinner and to see the Jurasic World movie. We heeded her birthday requests and purchased tickets to see the new Jurasic World that premiered that night. We had such a blast and were all looking forward to seeing the new movie, which ended up being really good! 

Only a few short months untl I get to see these wonderful peope again soon when they make the treck down to Texas in August!

Have a blessed day!

Lauren ❤

A Change of Pace

Last week Nathan’s brother Joe flew in from the chilly North to visit us! 


We took him to all the usual restaurants and even tried a few new ones. We got caught in a down pour at the River Walk and had to buy umbrellas and book it all the way back to the car! 


This was snapped before the torrential downpour took place. 😉 On the drive home from downtown we decided to stop by Sub Zero and try their famous liquid nitrogen frozen icecream treats! I’ve been dying to try this place out. 

Then on Friday after the last day of the school year I gave my awards speech, sent off my little students, and hopped a flight to Cleveland,OH to spend two lovely weeks on the shores of Lake Erie soaking in as much family time as possible.  


 Pre graduation pictures!


I got to attend my youngest sister Annie’s highschool graduation! Congrats Annie!


After Annie’s graduation she requested we stop for icecream at Mitchell’s and I’m so glad we did, their chocolate malts were a hit! 

 The other night for dinner dad whipped up the most amazing Miso salmon atop wasabi mashed potatoes and fresh asparagus from the nearby farmers market.

 If this item were on a menu at a restaurant I would order it all the time!  My dad is a wonderful cook. 

We’ve also been playing copious amounts of board games, and even took a few out to the boat with us the other evening since it was a bit too chilly and windy to take the boat out.

   Sunsets on Lake Erie will never cease to amaze and remind me of how much the One who created them loves me! 

Then Thursday the family and I loaded up and made the trip to Michigan to see my sister-in-law graduate highschool as well! It was such a treat to spend time with my in laws as well. 🙂


Well, I’m off for an easy run with mom and dad! The weather is so perfect for running here in Ohio that I just have to take advantage of it!

Lauren ❤